Lance Adams
Lance Adams is the Owner and Head Instructor at the Warrior Warehouse. He is a veteran of the United States Marine Corp with 20+ years of experience in security and law enforcement.?
ALLENDALE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION: Closed Custody and Segregation Unit Officer, Rapid Response Team, Defensive Tactic Instructor.
SOUTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY PATROL: State Trooper, Field Training Officer and served on the Civil Emergency Response Team.
RICHLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Traffic Unit Field Training Officer. Promoted to Community Action Team assigned to School Resource Officer Division and Supervisor of Richland County Explorer Post 601. Assistant Public Information Officer. Nationally Certified Crime Prevention Officer. Nationally Certified Hostage Negotiator. Project Lifesaver Instructor. Specific Skills Instructor.
COLUMBIA POLICE DEPARTMENT: Drug Suppression Team. CPD Gang Unit. Founder of R.I.S.K. Program (Rescuing Inner city Students and Kids). Started CPD Youth Explorer Unit. CPD Defensive Tactic Instructor. ?
Lance has over 30 years experience as an instructor and practitioner in Self Defense and Martial Arts. He is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach and is also a Certified NRA Firearms Safety and Concealed Weapons Permit Instructor. Along with extensive fitness and self defense programs, Lance has created the following programs as part of the Warrior Warehouse brand:
- E.S.C.A.P.E. Youth Anti-Abduction and Defense Program
- S.P.E.A.R.R. Women's Self Protection Program
- Defeat the Streets and Boxing B4 Bars Youth Mentoring/Diversion Program
- Concealed Weapons Permit Course ?
Lance is continually looking to expand his reach into the community to make an impact in the world we live in.
- Founded C.H.A.N.C.E. (Changing Habitual Actions through Nonviolence, Combat sports Education) Community Development Group
- 100 Black Men of Columbia
- Rotary Club of Forrest Acres
- 2017 Purple Gala Awards Recipient
- Claflin College Speaker Award
- Wanda Bellamy Hendrix Veteran Speaker and Presenter
- Public Speaker and Youth/Community Advocate
- Success Coach
- Youth Advocate and Mentor at Youth Challenge Academy
- Executive Protection Specialist
- Host of "Fyght 4 ur Lyfe" Television Show
- Radio Show Host of The Beast Mode Killaz Beatdown on WDRB Media - Charlotte, North Carolina ?